Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Cockroach Catcher II: Attempted Living---Special extract on Mother's Day.


From: The Brain and Random Thoughts

For some time, anthropologists found that babies in the so called more primitive places hardly cried. They were considered by advanced first world paediatricians to be malnourished, yes, malnourished. What these paediatricians failed to notice, but the anthropologists did, was that these babies were carried by mother all day while mother went about her daily chores of washing clothes, sweeping floors, feeding and caring for animals, tending to vegetables grown in the yard, cooking, and so on. Parent time was all the time. Contact was all the time, awake or asleep. Now you know. Malnourishment indeed! I saw babies thus carried around the Hong Kong markets too.

AMAZON-UK    The Cockroach Catcher II: Attempted Living

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