Little Red Coat: 2nd half.
El Capitan, Yosemite
Friedman, the consultant paediatrician, was Jewish.
consultant is the best Child Psychiatrist I have worked with. No nonsense and no jargon, Freud or
He turned
to his two registrars. Drs. Klein and Rosenthal, both Jewish:
“For anyone
aspiring to be a paediatrician, a good understanding of child psychiatry is
crucial. Half our cases may have a
psychological slant, and the other half may have problems created by the
The round
started with a seven-year old boy who had an accident in the school playground
and suffered a fracture.
The boy was
in good spirits and had all sorts of drawings on his plaster cast.
“I bet he
can’t wait to get out of here, but we need to make sure there is no
It was the
golden era of medicine. There was no
haste to discharge patients, and accidents were real accidents.
So I
“Where does
child psychiatry come in?”
His two
Registrars gave me a look as if to say: we agree with you!
Then, after
a couple of fairly routine cases we came to this boy all bandaged up, except
the face, which bore some bruise marks. The two paediatric registrars looked
distressed and Dr. Friedman proclaimed:
Their look turned from one of distress to one of bemusement.
“In London?’
The 70s was
a time of change in London. The Vietnam War and the hippies movement seemed
like a psychotic mix. With the explosion
of hallucinogen use and the unexpected success of the daring musical Hair, a
new social revolution was underway and the secure ways of the old world were to
change forever. It was not for me to
judge if it was for the better.
In the mad
world of drugs, nudity and profanity, we had dubious characters in charge, and
the most serious corruption in high places.
Incredibly lessons were not learnt and we continued to witness the
breakdown of decency: people in command of positions of influence abused their
newly acquired power and supposedly finance experts eventually collapsed banks
and even countries. This erosion was replicated also in families, in the form
of unbelievable abuses, both sexual and physical.
We were by
the bed of an injured boy in the paediatric ward. The injury was said to have been the result
of a mountaineering accident in London!
Just as Dr.
Friedman attempted to elaborate on the case, a short man in his sixties who was
with the injured boy stood up. As he was
not in any uniform, I knew he was not hospital staff.
At the same
time, Dr. C appeared behind Dr. Friedman.
“Sorry, the
meeting about the tea-lady took much longer than I thought, but at least we can
keep her for another year.”
This was
before the era of Nespresso and other coffee machines. We did not have tea bags or instant coffee,
but a lady whose job it was to make tea and coffee according to our individual
preferences. She knew exactly who the
coffee drinkers and tea drinkers were and never made any mistake. Today we seem to ignore the fact that health
care professionals too need looking after and that some grandmothers need a
trying to hide behind the two registrars, the strange man was noticed.
“Aren’t you
the cinematographer?” Dr. C asked the tiny man who seemed to get tinier.
I did find
it improbable that my consultant should know the cinematographer at her local
cinema, not knowing the full story that unfolded later.
cinematographer was stocky with silver hair and fairly dark skin. He was not
from the Caribbean, and his skin tone came from sun exposure as he was a
devoted member of the nudist club. He
lived in a new age commune that Mark’s mother moved to after splitting up with
his diabetic and impotent husband. This was way before Viagra, of course, and
in this commune Mrs. Green found herself in different beds on different nights. Her sexual needs were now much better
serviced and my patient Mark had stopped soiling.
Mark was
one of my twelve psychotherapy patients.
By then I had built up the case load and become at ease with the
patients. Each of the twelve cupboards
was filled to the brim with their drawings and selections of toys. Child psychotherapy was quite fun!
But a new
problem emerged for Mrs. Green and who else would she turn to if not Dr. C? Her daughter Ruth would not go to school or
more specifically she did not want to wear her red school coat and refused to
attend school.
“I do not
know what her problem is. I even spent a lot of money to have it dry cleaned!”
“But that
was what was used to wrap up the dead baby!”
One day the
cinematographer had some altercation with one of the founding members of the
commune because he thought some sexual activity went too far, even for a new
age man like him. He was asked to leave immediately. He went into one of the children’s
bedrooms to get his old suitcase when Ruth happened to be in the room. He
opened the case and there was Ruth’s school coat. Ruth reached out to retrieve her coat but
found a dead baby wrapped in it. She
screamed! Police was called. Both parents were arrested and later
sentenced for not reporting death and served three months of a one-year
A very
lenient society it was, and no one looked into how the baby died. Not only that, on release, these guilty
parents were even allowed to become registered as foster parents! The result was the child suffering
mountaineering injuries. He was in their
foster care.
Need I say
more? That was before Maria Colwell[1]. Fostering was good money then.
“So you are
allowed back?”
doctor! They needed my money.”
Friedman’s registrars were shocked to hear the story from my consultant.
“We will
call Social Service and this time we will make sure.” Dr. Friedman turned to
his registrars, “Well, what did I tell you, the importance of Child Psychiatry
I started
seeing Ruth at Mrs. Green’s request.
Chinaman did wonders for my Mark!”
“Dr. Zhang,
please.” There was an unwritten rule
that the same therapist should not provide therapy for two children in the same
family, but Dr. C relented in this case. She must have thought that Ruth would be safe
in my hands, despite my still limited experience. I think she would have otherwise assigned
Ruth to my psychotherapy supervisor, an Anna Freudian. To be honest, even today, I have a lot of
difficulties with the focus of Kleinian theories on good breasts and bad
For me it
was an interesting experience to find Ruth’s “mother” so different to Mark’s “mother”. It just showed that psychotherapists were
very much dealing with the subjective.
Being brought up in a 70s liberated flower-powered environment, Ruth
might have some skewed perceptions and believed that dead babies were regularly
wrapped up in coats rather than buried.
I tend to believe children do not lie, unless proved otherwise.
continued her therapy with me whilst attending our day unit up in Hampstead.
One day, Miss W the social worker was in a very excited mood and told me:
“Ruth said
she is going to school. Well done!”
The fact
was it might not be my therapy that did it.
Miss W happened to be in John Barnes (the local department store) and
she had the brain wave to buy Ruth a new school coat.
“Ruth was
really thrilled to see the little red coat and told me she wants to show it off
to her friends at school.”
Ruth went
back to school but continued to see me at the clinic.
The commune
was disbanded and Mrs. Green moved back with Mark and Ruth’s father.
The guilty
foster parents were later sentenced to three years each for child abuse and the
injured boy was taken into care after his recovery.
I will not
easily forget the kind act of a Quaker: Miss W, and the little red coat.
editing style寫他的「傳記」。這引起我以看電影的心態來欣賞大夫作品的興趣,並以上引半章書作嘗試。當然,談電影,黃華麒兄才是專家
Dr Friedman(顧問兒科專科醫生、猶太人)
Dr Klein (Dr Friedman徒弟、猶太人)
Dr Rosenthal (Dr Friedman徒弟、猶太人)
Dr C (女、英格蘭人、顧問兒童心理專科醫生、大夫上司)
Mrs Green(新紀元運動追隨者、離開丈夫、住在公社、認識放映技師、她的兩名孩子是Mark和Ruth)
Miss W (主任醫院社工、基督教貴格會會友Quaker)
Tavistock Clinic,時為70年代。
Friedman, Dr Klein, Dr Rosenthal)巡視兒童病房。開始前,Dr
- 第一個是一名在學校操場跌斷骨的七歲小男孩,他興致勃勃,在石膏模上畫滿了東西,等醫生確定他沒有震盪傷害後他便可以出院 - ,便來到了”攀山意外受傷男孩”的榻前,那時先前仍被上一會議耽誤的兒童心理科顧問醫生Dr
眼前的男孩面有些瘀,全身繃上了繃帶,給醫院的說詞是在攀山意外中受傷。「在倫敦遭遇攀山意外?!」醫生們大惑不解,大夫對意外就真的是意外的信心也開始動搖了。醫生們發現了保持低調、與”受傷男孩”同來的皮膚黝黑的小老人,Dr C認得他是隣近影院的放映技師。
Mrs Green自與她患有糖尿病及性無能的丈夫分開後,便搬進了公社。在那𥚃,她床無定處,但卻床第不虛,而Mark這小病人的弄髒情況這時侯停止了。但在這時,新問題卻出現了。
Mrs Green的女兒Ruth不肯穿著小紅外衣校服,不肯上學。「我真不知她有什麼問題,我甚至已不惜化費,把它乾洗!是的,我們在公社曾用小紅外衣包裹過一個死嬰。」
- 有一天技師先生與公社的一名創辦者齟齬,因為他認為那𥚃的性活動太過份了,連他這樣的新紀元人士也忍受不了,結果越吵越大,被即時趕出公社。他匆忙收拾,在其中一間兒童睡房取回一個行李箱,Ruth正在那𥚃。打開行李箱,露出Ruth的校服。Ruth伸手取回,赫然發現紅外衣竟包裹著一個死嬰,驚聲尖叫!警察來了,嬰兒父母因無申報有人死亡被捕了,後來也被
Mrs Green充份信任醫治Mark的大夫,央Dr C也讓大夫看Ruth,Dr C便破例准大夫醫治同一家的兩名子女。小插曲 - 膚色歧視不會為個人恩惠或成就而轉移,大夫也無奈
- 越戰舆嬉皮士運動交織得像精神病的交集,迷幻藥被爆炸性地使用,音樂劇Hair意外地走紅,新的社會革命席捲而來,穩固的舊秩序從此改變…..
- 導演(作者)似乎話中有話:究竟他是只話當年,還是也問今天,看官可自行演繹。
W興奮地宣佈: 「Ruth恢復上學了,恭喜你,鄭醫生!」「其實未必是我做了什麼,」大夫想,「只不過Miss
of consciousness的應是與之相似。我不是搞文藝的,對這些只是畧有所聞,一知半解,認真考究還是留待其他同學吧!
More: 再寫了一篇,請大家指教。