Thursday, December 8, 2011

Private Abandonment: NHS Rescue!

        Yes, the Cockroach Catcher came to England for higher training in Child Psychiatry in the early 70s and I also saw the film: The Way We Were then. 


But this is not about the film!

In 2008, The Cockroach Catcher was published. It was fictional, the names were; the rest were all based on my experience.

Here is a part of the first Chapter:

“I will give it my best shot.”
          So on a rather unusually beautiful sunny Tuesday morning, we received a soon to be dead Anorexia Nervosa patient who had been abandoned by her insurer to the unsafe NHS. What a challenge! Some of those at the meeting must have considered that I was delusional.  I believed that money should not be part of the consideration for the best health care and I was determined to make sure that my delusions should remain true for me.  I had to maintain a good service in my little corner of the NHS.
          Perhaps I was able to capture mother’s heart and gain her confidence through mine. She decided that they should give us a try.

Can it be that it was all so simple then
Or has time rewritten every line
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me - Would we? Could we?
                                                                      The Way We Were

You can read the full chapter here>>>>>>>>.

I would like to convince readers that the NHS is worth saving so for a limited time I am offering an electronic version free to any medical blogger, nurses and doctors that worked in the NHS and other health care systems totally free. Please drop me a note to my email address <cockroachcatcher (at) gmail (dot) com >or through COMMENTS.

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