The first known professional female athlete has posthumously been diagnosed with CTE.
Heather Anderson, who played for the Adelaide Crows, retired in 2017 after suffering on-field injuries including at least one confirmed diagnosed concussion.
Anderson took her own life in November 2022 at age 28.
Now the Australian Sports Brain Bank, which specialises in researching diseases associated with repeated head injuries, has confirmed she had "low-stage CTE" in her brain.
A recent visit to Santa Fe reminded me of one of Dr. Haffner’s most impressive cases. A case that set the tone for me in my understanding of how our brain could recover contrary to what I was brought up in Neurology at Queen Square .It was our first visit to Santa Fe in New Mexico which arguably had some of the famous places that has been used in an impressive number of films. Ghost Range , White Sands and Bandelier came to mind and of course there is Alamos, home of the Atomic Bomb that eventually finished off the Japanese and their atrocity especially in China . Yet it is often as exciting to visit the local market on a Saturday as it is to visit famous sites. We get to see some fresh local produce that local farmers are very proud of. Quite unexpectedly something caught my attention at one of the stalls that reminded me of Christopher Haffner.Everybody is afraid of Dr. Haffner at the Regional Child Psychiatric Clinic. O.K. He is tall and quite formidable. He still carries a strong Austrian accent. But he never shouts and he speaks very gently. Perhaps it is because he seemed to know a good deal both within and without the medical field. As a chief, he is unusual in knowing most things that people get up to. One day, I was late with a family and when I got back to the office, Dr. Haffner was there looking through a number of files by the filing cabinets. It was then that I knew how it was done. But I am not going to tell you if I pick up this little trick from him.Secretly though, we do know that we must take note of his utterances as he would have thrown in some gems that would affect our thinking. Good teachers do throw in a new way of looking at things which may indeed be too obvious some times.I later found out that he probably was one of the first to establish the three unusual in-patient units in one setting in the whole of Britain : a middle age group children’s unit where I was mainly placed, a unit for Autistic children and unusually a mother and child unit. All the time I was there, I have not heard of another mother and child unit.His take down of Eysenck and IQ test is the first shock I encountered and one of the side effects was years later when our girls were grown up, without prompting at all, they thanked me for never doing an IQ test on them. His most memorable example was how a very high IQ genius when asked to pick up 3 lbs of tomatoes would fail abysmally when a untested child that has helped father at a market would come very close to it.One day he announced that he is going to do a special presentation. This is not something that happened often and when it did, we all make sure that we rearrange our appointments.This was about two twins that were hardly six years old; identical twins. One day father was taking the younger twin to some activity. The parents always felt that it was important to bring them up separately although other parents of twins have the opposite view. Unfortunately they were involved in a very serious car accident. Both survived. The boy suffered fairly serious concussion and was unconscious for around ten days. He was eventually referred to Dr. Haffner.The essence of his presentation was that he felt the brain can somehow recover and one advantage would be related to the young age of the patient. At the beginning, the boy could not remember who he was and there was hardly any speech. Mother decided to give up her teaching job to spend as much time with him. From Dr. Haffner’s presentation, he has suggested that the parents should perhaps treat him as a new baby so that he can learn everything afresh. It was a difficult first few months and then suddenly everything progressed rapidly. Nine months after the accident: “I arranged for an IQ test and he is now within 10% of his brother!”Wow!“And IQ test does have its place!” He read my mind.
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There was a little table with a pile of books and a little picture: Climbing Back. A lady was behind the stall and she does not look like the usual market vegetable selling person. So I started chatting to her. She was promoting her book about her son’s journey back to life after a very serious accident.
Her name is Elise Rosenhaupt and her book is called Climbing Back: A Family's Journey through Brain Injury[1].
It was about her son Martin, who at the start of his second year at Harvard, was hit by a car and thrown 150 feet. He landed on his head, suffering severe traumatic brain injury. So if anything it was much worse than Dr. Haffner’s patient who was thrown about at the back of the car although not much was known about how badly hit he was. It was interesting to scan through her observation of the slow process of recovery, probably much slower than the much younger boy.
It is a nice confirmation of how much more we know about our brain and nervous system.
Do No Harm is a remarkably simple book. So much so, The Guardian (the book was short listed for The Guardian ‘First Book Award’) asks, ‘Why has no one ever written a book like this before?’ Each chapter’s starting point is a real life case. The clinical and extra-curricular vignettes recited allow the reader the privilege of being a fly-on-the-wall during moments of incredible personal and professional strain, sometimes during frank disaster, and occasionally during enormous relief and hilarity. In total, the book makes up a lean, unadorned, honest memoir of just some of the emotional thrills and surgical spills from a life spent in a busy tertiary neurosurgical unit. There is no twisting, confluent, fictional, engineered storyline because the quotidian of Marsh’s operating theatres, clinic rooms and foreign trips provides a surplus of heroes and heartache to sate the appetite of even the most demanding reader, publisher or dramaturge.