©2015 Am Ang Zhang
The Cockroach Catcher came back from Patagonia & found that the future is here: Or is this the last of the NHS we loved just like the Glacier of Patagonia?
PulseToday @pulsetoday Nine hospitals have been given the green light to provide GP services
The two main new models of care – the GP-led ‘multi-specialty community providers’ (MCPs) and the hospital-led ‘primary and acute care systems’ (PACS) – were included as part of NHS England’s Five-Year Forward View.
It had said that MCPs will be the more common new model, with PACS only established in areas of poor GP recruitment. But nine of the 29 bids approved were from hospital-led organisations.
The new models will employ a mix of primary and secondary care staff to deal with commonly encountered conditions such as diabetes, dementia and mental illness. Some will see some employing ‘social prescribing teams’ who will be able to refer patients to voluntary organisations and local authority services.
(Read the small print: Staff means Staff )
On last count: over 20 million patients would have attended A&E: A rise from 12 million around 10 years ago!
It is not difficult for anyone in the NHS to see how the internal market has continued to fragment and disintegrate our health service.
Attempts to badmouth our Hospitals and their A&E department did not seem to put people off and attendances continue to climb.
A trusted Brand? So the Genius is going to pump £500m in, well a small sum compare to £42 billion for RBS.
It is important for SoS/Genius to recognise that the extra money should go directly to hospitals to salary employed staff and not for the likes of Harmoni or Serco to offer a service that punters (sorry, patients) no longer believe in. Did the Genius realise that for OOH and the like there is no control as to who was making the calls. If Serco could fake data.....Well!
Why not abandon NHS111 all together, prosecute Harmoni & Serco for gross breach and let Bevan smile.
While you are at it, cancel all UCCs as punters prefer A&E (so do not change the name to ED or worse, ER). Abandon the market system too.
In a Market system, A & Es are run by Hospitals and OOH by CCG/GPs; business rivals so to speak. Hospitals wants to maximize income and CCGs did not want anyone to attend A & E if at all possible. NHS A & E: Unpredictable, Unruly & Ungainly
The Genius knows that the GPs are too powerful and will not take back OOH unless there is a lot of money. so the funding to A&E should not be via CCGs although the hospitals have a system of charging CCGs and that was the bit CCGs do not like. Do not wait, Genius as the objections from the GPs will be coming. Employing more GPs does not cure the 24/7 coverage problem at all.
Also, why not cancel CCGs and let hospitals run everything. They are committed to 24/7 service, aren't they?
Hard on the heels of the announcement of the devolution of NHS powers in Greater Manchester comes news of the first wave of 29 “vanguard” sites for the new care models programme, heralded last October by Simon Stevens’ Five-Year Forward View for the NHS. These frontrunner sites are meant to lead the way for better integration of health and social care.
There are three types of model: MCPs (multi-specialty community providers), concerned with moving specialist care out of hospitals and into the community; PACs (primary and acute care system), with single organisations providing hospital, GP and community services; and enhanced health in care homes, with no apparent acronym as yet, but let’s call it HICH. These models are meant to offer more joined-up care, health and rehabilitation services. Some 5 million people could benefit from the first wave of transformation.
As Stevens noted in his forward view, there is considerable consensus about what needs to change to improve care and health: “The traditional divide between primary care, community services and hospitals – largely unaltered since the birth of the NHS – is increasingly a barrier to the personalised and coordinated health services patients need.”
Roy Lilley on Tarzan (Aka Simon Stevens):
DIY cardiothoracic bypass surgery
on the kitchen table
The Tories have left the NHS out of the Cameron 6 priorities and are promising to make a down-payment on Tarzan's 5YFV and ring-fence the Service.
It's the same as the Coalition are doing now. Meaning; under 1% per annum more cash, against 4% growth in demand. Do the maths... they've hobbled the NHS and more of the same will cripple it.
The rest of the political parties (who might hold the balance of power) are trying to butter my parsnips; especially the Lib-Dems. They are promising the £8bn Tarzan says he needs to make his Plan A work.
However, Plan A comes with eye watering, never achieved before, yer-avin-a-larf, 3% savings from efficiency, modernisation, moving hospitals into GP surgeries, telemedicine and self-care including helpful web-based instructions for DIY cardiothoracic bypass surgery on the kitchen table. There is no Plan B.
Cockroach Catcher:
Unfortunately Vanguard is being promoted as the future delivery of health care in England as being integrated.
Yet some of us realises that sometimes someone dear in our family may need a good deal more than could be delivered by non specialist based community hospitals.
By then the specialist that were once the pride of Medicine across the world will no longer be working for NHS hospitals that I was proudly associated with.
Has NHS England gone too far in trying to cut the cost of hospital care and in so doing destroyed the old NHS!
We need true integration and not just excluding most of FT hospitals to treat paying private patients from rich countries! -
‘There is no evidence that GPs as a group are empowered with supernatural abilities to manage large budgets and organisations’
The right configuration?
So what would be the main characteristics of an alternative system based on previous experience? The key features would be:
· Integration of service provision and planning around a defined population and individual patients.
· The best degree of fit possible with social care and other local government services.
· Integration of support services for the defined population, crucially finance and information, to reduce unnecessary overheads.
· Consistency of policy around the key indicators of health of populations, patient outcomes and their experience so comparisons can be made across organisations and time.
There is no right answer to the configuration of health organisations across England and the solution will always be a compromise. However, experience would suggest that London is always a special case and should not influence the best arrangements for the rest of England .
Unnecessary division
For the last 20 odd years, dividing the health service into commissioning (or purchasing) and provision has been the only show in town. First, NHS trusts were divided from health authorities and GP fundholders added to spice the brew. Then primary care trusts were created with practice based commissioning bolted on.
Interestingly, in both cases, GP purchasing/commissioning was run in competition to health authorities/PCTs; rather than to provide synergy. When this ran into difficulties, particularly in restraining the costs of acute trusts, the “world class commissioning” programme was created and PCTs were encouraged to buy in all the best brains in the private sector to smarten up their act. PCTs were even forced to divest themselves of direct management responsibility for community services in case this sullied the purity of their commissioning role.
Now all faith is being placed in clinical commissioning groups and GPs being the magic ingredient that will make commissioning the powerhouse of efficiency and effectiveness in the health service.
Read all here>>>Commissioning will never work in the NHS
The internal market’s billing system is not only costly and bureaucratic, the theory that underpins it is absurd. Why should a bill for the treatment of a patient go out to Oldham or Oxford , when it is not Oldham or Oxford that pays the bill — there is only one person that picks up the tab: the taxpayer, you and me.
…….Instead let them help the NHS do what it does best — treat patients, and do so efficiently and economically without the crucifying expense and ridiculous parody of competition.
Prof Waxman in an earlier post.
This is not on when you have an internal market system. Through A & E, Hospitals can admit patients without a referral and believe you me, whatever anyone might say the CEOs of FT Hospitals are quite pleased with that.
For CCGs, it is becoming uncontrollable. All Hospital Avoidance tactics will not work. Funding will flow uncontrolled to FT Hospitals.
I have written about this earlier and I will simply reprint them. It is more true now than ever.
Wait: where are the real specialist doctors? And NHS referring to Voluntary Organisations?
The lines at A&E will get longer. They belong to real hospitals!!!