There is a recent comment posted to my blog of 18th February “
Sarah Longlands said ...
Dear Dr Zhang,My name is Sarah Longlands, the wife of Dr Wheldon, mentioned above. I found your blog by accident when looking up "David Wheldon" on Google, something I do from time to time to see who is linking to both our web sites.I thought I would give you a small update:nearly three years on again since the publication of "Ignoring the Evidence" I am still going strong, not having had an adverse MS event since starting treatment in August 2003. When I started I couldn't even hold a paintbrush but now I have worked through watercolours to acrylics and have now moved back to my favourite medium of oil paints and of no mean size. My progressive multiple sclerosis was so aggressive, I really shouldn't be here now, but I am.I have not seen my neurologist since being given the diagnosis. David has, since they work in the same hospital, but although at one point the man showed some interest, this soon passed and the man has never looked at my subsequent improved scans. In fact, he once ran out of the radiologists room exclaiming "I can't look at this!" He is obviously very good at saying "Never."There are always going to be people willing to put my recovery down to "spontaneous recovery" but I think it very odd that this should have happened within a few hours of downing my first ever doxycycline, after having my first multiple sclerosis relapse twenty years previously, age 24. Then and for many years it was untroubling, with few, easily resolved relapses. Over the years I had been able to forget about it, so I readily accepted the diagnosis of the orthopaedic surgeon. I have since discovered that David married me thinking I might well have MS, because of my clumsiness although by that time I has already decided that it couldn't possibly be the case.Since starting to recover, David has seen many patients abandoned by the neurological establishment and has written two papers with Charles Stratton of Vanderbilt University about chlamydia pneumoniae and multiple sclerosis. I started writing on, where a psychologist named Jim Kepner, a sufferer of another disease caused by chlamydia pneumoniae, saw me and started to treat himself. Two and a half years ago this led to him starting a wonderful site: where people from all over the world suffering from any of the many diseases in which CPn is implicated can come together for freely given help and reassurance.
Very best wishes,
Sarah Longlands. 12th April, 2008
Her neurologist reminds me of one well known psychiatrist who was very much against psychotherapy but prescribed ECT liberally instead. When asked about the correlation between straight ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and fracture, his comment was something like: “I’ve never had a fracture, but I have never X-rayed any patient either.” You do not get what you do not look for – it is as simple as that!
Her neurologist reminds me of one well known psychiatrist who was very much against psychotherapy but prescribed ECT liberally instead. When asked about the correlation between straight ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and fracture, his comment was something like: “I’ve never had a fracture, but I have never X-rayed any patient either.” You do not get what you do not look for – it is as simple as that!
In the meantime let the Iguana roam freely.

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1 comment:
jon said...
hi sarah, i too was diagnosed in 2001 with chlamydia pneumoniae by way of a blood test, at this time i went to meet Charles Stratton of Vanderbilt University, and he said that he was starting the work of determining the proper combination of meds, later, in 2005, he had come up with the answer, and i started ; I took the treatment, but probably did not totally eradicate the infection; rifampin, flagel & minocycline,
recently i have had a relapse and wanted to seek out this anti-biotic treatment again only to find my treating dr no longer living, as well as the CPNHELP website is closed; i have slowly evolving and spreading diminished sensations in arms and legs, and it continues to spread;
in the recent month, through M Health Fairview; i have had 4 ER visits, 1 urgent care visit, 2 GP visits, 1 neurology visit. and a week in the hospital; all of "out of pocket", and every time, not once was any doctors willing to prescribe the meds or even repeat test for the disease; it was the typical "big me little you" way of mistreating people, and these doctors are openly prideful people, and cruel to withhold treatment that already proven by Dr. Stratton;
moving forward, wish there was a place to see what doctors in the world will do this treatment, and then go to one of them, get the 3 meds again; and then complete the treatment; and finally eradicate this bacteria
November 12, 2023 at 1:02 AM
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